What Is

Embracing Daisies © 2018

We are an agency that offers full-service Thanadoula support throughout the stages of death, from making all the necessary arrangements, to holding space, giving emotional validation, and helping you create a legacy you can be proud of.

As well as our traditional support services, we also host all-ages workshops, team building events, conversation salons and Wide Awake Wakes, in order to facilitate dialogue that challenge our ideologies around death and create opportunities to add depth and meaning to our living path.

We feel strongly that the discourse and modern traditions surrounding death are often incomplete and filled with the desire to wish away the ramifications and reality of it. Whilst the breadth and depth of our grief process can come as a shock, we believe that it is not only possible, but ideal to mindfully integrate the reality of death into the meaning of our lives.

All of the services we offer are inspired by our motivation to support our clients in creating and cultivating                                 , giving you the resources and ideas for being the director of your life story all the way through. A truth that flows through our core ideology is that our whole life is legacy creation, and taking authorship is one of the most powerful acts that we can practice.

In our Endpowered Path (direct care), as well as our Endpowered Workshops, Endpowered Workplaces, Endpowered Salons and Wide Awake Wakes, we think that it is never to soon, or too late, to create our own terms around the reality of death. We look forward to offering our full attention to supporting your process and changing the conversation about death into one where you have the most powerful voice.

Embracing Daisies © 2020

We are Thanadoulas,  offering comprehensive end of life care,  all ages educational workshops,  conversational salons and Wide Awake Wakes, in which we take a mindful & creative approach to changing the sometimes limited way we approach death in the Western world.

We have a focus on Endpowering our clients to see the cycle of life and death not as something to simply rise above,  but as something to move through with soul and awareness,  creating a living and lasting legacy.

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About Embracing Daisies

